Canadian Veterans Call on Government to Restore Royal Honour!

RCN wins Poll! More than 85% want Royal Canadian Navy
Admiral Landymore: 2010 Inductee to the RMC Wall of Honour!
Why the admirals are wrong: The truth of the matter
A Royal Pain: Nothing quite stirs the blood like Maritime Command
Return of the RCN? Canada's naval forces could soon be called RCN
Admirals vs Sailors: The sailors want it, but the admirals don't
Admiral McFadden: E-mail lands naval officer in hot water
Christopher McCreery: No permission from the Queen required
An Elegant Name: Dr. Holloway on the elegance of R.C.N.
A Royal Name Game: Navy says it didn't shut down RCN campaign
CN is a Railway: Senate debates whether Canada belongs in the Navy
Senator Rompkey: The absurd testimony of Senator Rompkey
Commander Thain: Testimony puts Admiral McFadden on defensive
Opposing Admiral 1: Don't Rock the Boat says Admiral McFadden
Opposing Admiral 2: The unfortunate testimony of Admiral Summers
Opposing Admiral 3: The unfortunate testimony of Admiral Buck
Opposing Admiral 4: The unfortunate testimony of Admiral Mifflin
Hellyer Happy: Mr. Milner happy with the Hellyer Legacy
Cliff Chadderton: Canada's most prominent veteran supports us!
Rompkey's Motion: Half exemplary, half unfortunate
Centennial Flag: Dr. Holloway on a Flag that Falls Flat
Senate Debates Motion to Change the Navy's Name
The Petition moves along...
May 1: Laurie Hawn, M.P. agrees to support petition
April 30: Sent draft petition to The Dominion Institute to seek their sponsorship
April 28: Sent draft petition to Captain(N) Pickingford, Project Manager, Canadian Navy Centennial Project
April 27: Sent petition to Blaine Barker of the Royal Canadian Naval Association and Bob Nixon of the Naval Officer's Association of Canada and Peter Dawe, Executive Director of the RMC Club
April 26: The Monarchist League of Canada members are supportive
April 25: Interesting - even heated - debate over at the Navy, Army, Air Force Forum, where the "Yeas" have it by a two-thirds majority.
April 30: Sent draft petition to The Dominion Institute to seek their sponsorship
April 28: Sent draft petition to Captain(N) Pickingford, Project Manager, Canadian Navy Centennial Project
April 27: Sent petition to Blaine Barker of the Royal Canadian Naval Association and Bob Nixon of the Naval Officer's Association of Canada and Peter Dawe, Executive Director of the RMC Club
April 26: The Monarchist League of Canada members are supportive
April 25: Interesting - even heated - debate over at the Navy, Army, Air Force Forum, where the "Yeas" have it by a two-thirds majority.
What a clever and inspiring video!
ReplyDeleteVictory is so sweet, but what is the next battle?