Thursday, December 9, 2010

Admiral McFadden tells sailors to keep their mouths quiet on navy name change

Althia Raj, once again on top of things:

For your immediate distribution:

IAW Ref and Comd MARCOM direction, the following message is to be disseminated immediately and as widely as possible by whatever means you deem appropriate to every member within your respective Commands. A MARGEN will also be released today with the same message. Commanding Officers are encouraged to explain this issue and the underlying principles of QR&O Chapter 19 to their sailors.

“I have been made aware of email traffic within the DWAN of military personnel expressing their opinions as to the potential re-naming of Maritime Command directly in response to specific email addresses established for that purpose. It is neither appropriate nor helpful for any individual member of the command to respond to solicitation for your opinion. This is not the means that the Naval Institution chooses to determine the sentiment of service personnel and formulate the service’s opinion, from which advice to government flows.

We use the Chain of Command and in particular the critical role of the senior NCMs to gauge the opinions of service personnel. As a private individual, you can have any opinion you wish; as members of the service you neither advocate for a personal view nor encourage your compatriots to do so. I have been apprised by Formation Commanders, by the Command Chief Petty Officer, and by Formation Chief Petty Officers as to the extent and depth of opinion on the matter of re-naming Maritime Command. My advice has accordingly been further passed through the Chain of Command.

The decision is now a matter for government deliberation and for policy articulation. If that occurs, orders will be crafted and the decision implemented. As is the tradition of our service, personal opinions, regardless of how strongly held, will then be subsumed by the loyal and vigorous implementation of orders.

I have no doubt that government is aware of the naval advice that I have expressed on the matter of re-naming Maritime Command.

Further action on the part of service members to express personal opinions is not appropriate.”

Vice Admiral P. Dean McFadden Sends David G. Bliss MMM, CDChief Petty Officer First Class | Premier MaƮtre de Premier ClasseFleet Chief Canadian Fleet Pacific | Premier-maitre de la Flotte Canadienne du PacificqueChief of Maritime Staff

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The Petition moves along...

May 1: Laurie Hawn, M.P. agrees to support petition
April 30: Sent draft petition to The Dominion Institute to seek their sponsorship
April 28: Sent draft petition to Captain(N) Pickingford, Project Manager, Canadian Navy Centennial Project
April 27: Sent petition to Blaine Barker of the Royal Canadian Naval Association and Bob Nixon of the Naval Officer's Association of Canada and Peter Dawe, Executive Director of the RMC Club
April 26: The Monarchist League of Canada members are supportive
April 25: Interesting - even heated - debate over at the Navy, Army, Air Force Forum, where the "Yeas" have it by a two-thirds majority.