Thursday, May 10, 2007

Letter from the Library of Parliament

2 May 2007

Mr. Laurie Hawn, M.P.
Room 400
Justice Building
House of Commons

Dear Mr. Hawn:

Further to the request from Jane Houser of your office on 1 May 2007, I am pleased to provide the following information regarding the reinstatement of the “Royal” designation for the Navy and Air Force.

Following a review of the relevant legislation and further to conversations with representatives of the Department of National Defence and the Department of Canadian Heritage, explicit approval from the Queen, by way of proclamation, would be needed to reinstate the Royal designation for the Navy and Air Force. In addition, amendments to the Queen’s Regulations and Orders, the military’s regulatory framework, as well as changes to those sections of the National Defence Act R.S.C. 1985, c. N-5, that refer to the Canadian Forces, such as section 14, would also be required to reinstate the Royal designation. Moreover, reinstating the Royal designation would involve amending numerous other statutes that make reference to the Canadian Forces. A search of the Consolidated Statutes of Canada at the Department of Justice Web site indicates that there are 67 such Acts that could require amendment.

I hope that this information is useful for your purposes. If you have any questions, or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours very truly,

James R. Robertson, Acting Director
Law and Government Division
Parliamentary Information
and Research Service


1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful! The RCN, RCAF and Canadian Army (titles, styles, ranks, uniforms etc.) cannot be restored because Ottawa is gripped by bureacratic gridlock. I suspect Roberetson is sandbagging. Turnkey legislation can take care of the problems from a legislative point of view and the three services could address any turf issues at the Staff level. As for HMQ, if she really does need to give the nod, I don't think it would be much of a problem. Oh, and Robertson's thesis is now on Wikipedia; see 'Royal Candian Navy' and 'Royal Canadian Air Force'
    Best wishes,
    Capn Teach


The Petition moves along...

May 1: Laurie Hawn, M.P. agrees to support petition
April 30: Sent draft petition to The Dominion Institute to seek their sponsorship
April 28: Sent draft petition to Captain(N) Pickingford, Project Manager, Canadian Navy Centennial Project
April 27: Sent petition to Blaine Barker of the Royal Canadian Naval Association and Bob Nixon of the Naval Officer's Association of Canada and Peter Dawe, Executive Director of the RMC Club
April 26: The Monarchist League of Canada members are supportive
April 25: Interesting - even heated - debate over at the Navy, Army, Air Force Forum, where the "Yeas" have it by a two-thirds majority.